Experts in the collection of royalties from the broadcasting of music in advertisements.

Our services are aimed at high-volume music rightsholders, whose music is broadcasted in advertisements.
Our clients are mainly composers, production music libraries, recording studios, record companies and brands.
Our figures show that 84% of music rightsholders do not receive all the royalties owed to them from music broadcasted in advertisements.
These income losses often amount to thousands of dollars.
Our mission is to ensure that our clients receive, in the shortest time, their royalties related to the broadcasting of their music in advertisements.
Maximize music royalty revenues from advertisements.
The results are fast, optimal and transparent.

Our remuneration
Our remuneration is exclusively based on the income collected for our clients. It is transparent and linked to concrete and documented results. There are no fees for opening an account with us. Knowing that you are satisfied with the income we collect on your behalf also contributes to our remuneration!
Our approach
Managing copyright and claiming royalties from music in advertising is a complex process that requires rigor, expertise, and high-performance technological tools.
We offer a comprehensive approach to manage and collect your music royalties related to works used in advertisements.
Our expertise, network, and the technologies we use enable us to identify the broadcasting of advertisements (by date, time, medium and country) and to collect on your behalf the related royalties.
Our services are personalized and adapted to the needs of high-volume rightsholders. We work for you and with you to maximize the income from your musical works.

You provide us with the information related to your musical works and advertisements incorporating the music used.
We process key data to track and claim royalties from advertisements, submitted by broadcasting territory.
We provide sound recordings and metadata to our partners in order to ensure the traceability of advertisement (by audio fingerprinting) broadcasts.
We register the relevant data and metadata directly with the Collective Management Organizations (CMO) through our direct memberships. These cover each of the territories where royalties arising from the broadcasting of advertisements are payable.
You follow our work declarations live and access the details of the generated income with Wippi, our real-time data platform
We perform a cross-analysis of the different data sources including the dissemination of audio fingerprint identification, in order to detect any negative discrepancies between expected and received payments.
We claim the missing royalties.
We collect the royalties and pay them to you monthly through wire transfers.
With our international network, we are in direct contact with the main Collective Management Organizations (CMO).

An international network.
Optimized collection.
With our direct representation agreements with more than 30 Collective Management Organizations (CMO) around the world, our network gives you undeniable advantages.
The administrative procedures other than declarations of works specific to advertisements must be rigorously executed in order to make the works eligible for royalty payments. These conditions vary from CMO to CMO and we know every detail of these many variations.
Essentially, and for your benefit, our interventions consist of avoiding inter-CMO commissions, benefiting from simultaneous declarations of works with these CMO, and ensuring that the eligibility conditions for royalty payments are met, CMO by CMO.
Ultimately, the collection of all your royalties will be accelerated by several months, or even years.
Fast. Transparent. Rigorous.
Our team is results oriented.
An experienced team.
Convincing results.
Our team is in direct and continuous contact with Collective Management Organization for music royalties collection arising from advertisement broadcasts in all countries where such royalties are payable.
Managing copyright and claiming royalties from music in advertising is a complex process that requires rigor, expertise, and high-performance technological tools. We have developed control over it for over 20 years for the benefit of our clients.
Our innovative technology ensures the traceability of broadcasts and royalties, until they are paid to you
Our expertise guarantees your results. You will receive more royalties, faster.
Some examples of advertising for which we collect royalties